defmodule Support.HttpServer do @moduledoc """ A basic HTTP server which returns a canned response. """ @behaviour Plug import Plug.Conn @doc false @spec start_link(:inet.port_number(), 100..599, String.t()) :: Supervisor.on_start() def start_link(port, status, body, notify \\ false) do notify = case notify do true -> self() pid when is_pid(pid) -> pid _ -> false end Bandit.start_link( scheme: :http, port: port, ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, plug: {__MODULE__, {status, body, notify}} ) end @doc false @impl true @spec init(any) :: any def init({status, body, notify}), do: {status, body, notify} @doc false @impl true @spec call(Plug.Conn.t(), any) :: Plug.Conn.t() def call(conn, {status, body, notify}) do if is_pid(notify) do Process.send_after(notify, {:request, __MODULE__, conn}, 20) end conn |> put_resp_content_type("text/plain") |> send_resp(status, body) end @doc "Wait for the next HTTP request to be served" @spec await_request :: Plug.Conn.t() def await_request do receive do {:request, __MODULE__, conn} -> conn end end @doc "Wait for a certain number of requests to have been served" @spec await_requests(non_neg_integer()) :: [Plug.Conn.t()] def await_requests(how_many \\ 1) when how_many > 0 and is_integer(how_many) do, fn _ -> await_request() end) end end