defmodule Support.HttpRequest do @moduledoc false alias Mint.HTTP import Wayfarer.Utils defmacro __using__(_) do quote do import Support.HttpRequest import IP.Sigil end end @type headers :: [{String.t(), String.t()}] @type options :: [ host: String.t(), method: String.t(), path: String.t(), headers: headers, body: iodata, options: Keyword.t() ] @doc """ Perform an HTTP request. This is a little more annoying than most of the Elixir HTTP clients (Tesla, Finch, etc) can handle easily because you need to make a potentially SNI SSL request to an arbitrary address without resolving it via DNS. """ @spec request( :http | :https, :inet.ip_address() | String.t() | IP.Address.t(), :inet.port_number(), options ) :: {:ok, %{status: nil | non_neg_integer(), headers: headers, body: iodata()}} | {:error, any} def request(scheme, address, port, options \\ []) do host = Keyword.get(options, :host, "") method = Keyword.get(options, :method, "GET") path = Keyword.get(options, :path, "/") headers = Keyword.get(options, :headers, []) body = Keyword.get(options, :body, []) options = options |> Keyword.get(:options, []) |> Keyword.put_new(:hostname, host) Task.async(fn -> with {:ok, address} <- sanitise_ip_address(address), {:ok, mint} <- HTTP.connect(scheme, address, port, options), {:ok, mint, req} <- HTTP.request(mint, method, path, headers, body) do handle_response(mint, req, %{status: nil, headers: [], body: []}) end end) |> Task.await() end defp handle_response(mint, req, state) do receive do message -> case, message) do :unknown -> {:error, {:unknown_message, message}} {:ok, mint, responses} -> handle_responses(responses, mint, req, state) {:error, _, reason, _} -> {:error, reason} end end end defp handle_responses([], mint, req, state), do: handle_response(mint, req, state) defp handle_responses([{:status, req, status} | responses], mint, req, state), do: handle_responses(responses, mint, req, %{state | status: status}) defp handle_responses([{:headers, req, headers} | responses], mint, req, state), do: handle_responses( responses, mint, req, Map.update!(state, :headers, &Enum.concat(&1, headers)) ) defp handle_responses([{:data, req, body} | responses], mint, req, state), do: handle_responses( responses, mint, req, Map.update!(state, :body, &Enum.concat(&1, [body])) ) defp handle_responses([{:done, req} | _], _mint, req, state), do: {:ok, state} defp handle_responses([{:error, req, reason}], _mint, req, _state), do: {:error, reason} end