# DSL: Wayfarer.Dsl The Wayfarer DSL for defining static proxy configurations. ## DSL options ## wayfarer * [config](#module-config) * health_checks * check * host_patterns * pattern * listeners * http * https * targets * http * health_checks * check * https * health_checks * check * plug --- ### config * health_checks * check * host_patterns * pattern * listeners * http * https * targets * http * health_checks * check * https * health_checks * check * plug * `:name` (`t:String.t/0`) - ##### health_checks * check ###### check * `:name` - A unique name for the health check. * `:method` - The HTTP method to use for the request. Valid values are :get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, :connect, :options, :trace, :patch The default value is `:get`. * `:connect_timeout` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Connection timeout in milliseconds The default value is `5000`. * `:response_timeout` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Response timeout in milliseconds The default value is `500`. * `:hostname` - The HTTP hostname to use when sending the request. Defaults to the IP address. * `:interval` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Interval in milliseconds The default value is `30000`. * `:threshold` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Success threshold The default value is `3`. * `:path` (`t:String.t/0`) - Path The default value is `"/"`. * `:success_codes` (one or a list of struct of type `Range`) - HTTP status codes which are considered successful. The default value is `[200..299]`. ##### host_patterns * pattern ###### pattern * `:pattern` (`t:String.t/0`) - Required. A hostname matching pattern. ##### listeners * http * https ###### http * `:scheme` - Required. The listening protocol. Valid values are :http, :https * `:address` - Required. The address of the interface to listen on. * `:name` - A unique name for the listener (defaults to the URI). * `:port` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Required. The TCP port on which to listen for incoming connections. * `:http_1_options` (`t:keyword/0`) - Options to configure the HTTP/1 stack in Bandit. The default value is `[]`. * `:http_2_options` (`t:keyword/0`) - Options to configure the HTTP/2 stack in Bandit. The default value is `[]`. * `:thousand_island_options` (`t:keyword/0`) - Possible options to configure a ThousandIsland server. The default value is `[]`. * `:websocket_options` (`t:keyword/0`) - Options to configure the WebSocket stack in Bandit. The default value is `[]`. ###### https * `:scheme` - Required. The listening protocol. Valid values are :http, :https * `:address` - Required. The address of the interface to listen on. * `:name` - A unique name for the listener (defaults to the URI). * `:port` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Required. The TCP port on which to listen for incoming connections. * `:http_1_options` (`t:keyword/0`) - Options to configure the HTTP/1 stack in Bandit. The default value is `[]`. * `:http_2_options` (`t:keyword/0`) - Options to configure the HTTP/2 stack in Bandit. The default value is `[]`. * `:thousand_island_options` (`t:keyword/0`) - Possible options to configure a ThousandIsland server. The default value is `[]`. * `:websocket_options` (`t:keyword/0`) - Options to configure the WebSocket stack in Bandit. The default value is `[]`. * `:certfile` (`t:String.t/0`) - The path to a file containing the SSL certificate to use for this listener. * `:keyfile` (`t:String.t/0`) - The path to a file containing the SSL key to use for this listener. * `:cipher_suite` - Used to define a pre-selected set of ciphers, as described by `Plug.SSL.configure/1`. Valid values are nil, :strong, :compatible ##### targets * http * health_checks * check * https * health_checks * check * plug * `:algorithm` - The target selection algorithm. Valid values are :round_robin, :sticky The default value is `:round_robin`. ###### http * health_checks * check * `:address` - Required. The address of the interface to listen on. * `:name` - A unique name for the target (defaults to the URI). * `:port` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Required. The TCP port on which to listen for incoming connections. ####### health_checks * check ######## check * `:name` - A unique name for the health check. * `:method` - The HTTP method to use for the request. Valid values are :get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, :connect, :options, :trace, :patch The default value is `:get`. * `:connect_timeout` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Connection timeout in milliseconds The default value is `5000`. * `:response_timeout` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Response timeout in milliseconds The default value is `500`. * `:hostname` - The HTTP hostname to use when sending the request. Defaults to the IP address. * `:interval` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Interval in milliseconds The default value is `30000`. * `:threshold` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Success threshold The default value is `3`. * `:path` (`t:String.t/0`) - Path The default value is `"/"`. * `:success_codes` (one or a list of struct of type `Range`) - HTTP status codes which are considered successful. The default value is `[200..299]`. ###### https * health_checks * check * `:address` - Required. The address of the interface to listen on. * `:name` - A unique name for the target (defaults to the URI). * `:port` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Required. The TCP port on which to listen for incoming connections. ####### health_checks * check ######## check * `:name` - A unique name for the health check. * `:method` - The HTTP method to use for the request. Valid values are :get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, :connect, :options, :trace, :patch The default value is `:get`. * `:connect_timeout` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Connection timeout in milliseconds The default value is `5000`. * `:response_timeout` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Response timeout in milliseconds The default value is `500`. * `:hostname` - The HTTP hostname to use when sending the request. Defaults to the IP address. * `:interval` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Interval in milliseconds The default value is `30000`. * `:threshold` (`t:pos_integer/0`) - Success threshold The default value is `3`. * `:path` (`t:String.t/0`) - Path The default value is `"/"`. * `:success_codes` (one or a list of struct of type `Range`) - HTTP status codes which are considered successful. The default value is `[200..299]`. ###### plug * `:module` (module that adopts `Plug` or a module and options) - Required. A plug which can handle requests. ## wayfarer ### Nested DSLs * [config](#wayfarer-config) * health_checks * check * host_patterns * pattern * listeners * http * https * targets * http * health_checks * check * https * health_checks * check * plug ## wayfarer.config ```elixir config name \\ nil ``` ### Nested DSLs * [health_checks](#wayfarer-config-health_checks) * check * [host_patterns](#wayfarer-config-host_patterns) * pattern * [listeners](#wayfarer-config-listeners) * http * https * [targets](#wayfarer-config-targets) * http * health_checks * check * https * health_checks * check * plug ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`name`](#wayfarer-config-name){: #wayfarer-config-name } | `String.t` | | | ## wayfarer.config.health_checks ### Nested DSLs * [check](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check) ## wayfarer.config.health_checks.check ```elixir check name \\ nil ``` ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`name`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-name){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-name } | `String.t \| nil` | | A unique name for the health check. | ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`method`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-method){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-method } | `:get \| :head \| :post \| :put \| :delete \| :connect \| :options \| :trace \| :patch` | `:get` | The HTTP method to use for the request. | | [`connect_timeout`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-connect_timeout){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-connect_timeout } | `pos_integer` | `5000` | Connection timeout in milliseconds | | [`response_timeout`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-response_timeout){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-response_timeout } | `pos_integer` | `500` | Response timeout in milliseconds | | [`hostname`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-hostname){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-hostname } | `nil \| String.t` | | The HTTP hostname to use when sending the request. Defaults to the IP address. | | [`interval`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-interval){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-interval } | `pos_integer` | `30000` | Interval in milliseconds | | [`threshold`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-threshold){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-threshold } | `pos_integer` | `3` | Success threshold | | [`path`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-path){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-path } | `String.t` | `"/"` | Path | | [`success_codes`](#wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-success_codes){: #wayfarer-config-health_checks-check-success_codes } | `Range \| list(Range)` | `[200..299]` | HTTP status codes which are considered successful. | ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.HealthCheck` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.HealthChecks` ## wayfarer.config.host_patterns ### Nested DSLs * [pattern](#wayfarer-config-host_patterns-pattern) ## wayfarer.config.host_patterns.pattern ```elixir pattern pattern ``` ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`pattern`](#wayfarer-config-host_patterns-pattern-pattern){: #wayfarer-config-host_patterns-pattern-pattern .spark-required} | `String.t` | | A hostname matching pattern. | ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.HostPattern` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.HostPatterns` ## wayfarer.config.listeners ### Nested DSLs * [http](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http) * [https](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https) ## wayfarer.config.listeners.http ```elixir http address, port ``` ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`address`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http-address){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-http-address .spark-required} | `IP.Address \| String.t` | | The address of the interface to listen on. | | [`port`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http-port){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-http-port .spark-required} | `pos_integer` | | The TCP port on which to listen for incoming connections. | ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`scheme`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http-scheme){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-http-scheme .spark-required} | `:http \| :https` | | The listening protocol. | | [`name`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http-name){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-http-name } | `nil \| String.t` | | A unique name for the listener (defaults to the URI). | | [`http_1_options`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http-http_1_options){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-http-http_1_options } | `keyword` | `[]` | Options to configure the HTTP/1 stack in Bandit. | | [`http_2_options`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http-http_2_options){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-http-http_2_options } | `keyword` | `[]` | Options to configure the HTTP/2 stack in Bandit. | | [`thousand_island_options`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http-thousand_island_options){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-http-thousand_island_options } | `keyword` | `[]` | Possible options to configure a ThousandIsland server. | | [`websocket_options`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-http-websocket_options){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-http-websocket_options } | `keyword` | `[]` | Options to configure the WebSocket stack in Bandit. | ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.Listener` ## wayfarer.config.listeners.https ```elixir https address, port ``` ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`address`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-address){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-address .spark-required} | `IP.Address \| String.t` | | The address of the interface to listen on. | | [`port`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-port){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-port .spark-required} | `pos_integer` | | The TCP port on which to listen for incoming connections. | ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`scheme`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-scheme){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-scheme .spark-required} | `:http \| :https` | | The listening protocol. | | [`name`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-name){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-name } | `nil \| String.t` | | A unique name for the listener (defaults to the URI). | | [`http_1_options`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-http_1_options){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-http_1_options } | `keyword` | `[]` | Options to configure the HTTP/1 stack in Bandit. | | [`http_2_options`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-http_2_options){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-http_2_options } | `keyword` | `[]` | Options to configure the HTTP/2 stack in Bandit. | | [`thousand_island_options`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-thousand_island_options){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-thousand_island_options } | `keyword` | `[]` | Possible options to configure a ThousandIsland server. | | [`websocket_options`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-websocket_options){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-websocket_options } | `keyword` | `[]` | Options to configure the WebSocket stack in Bandit. | | [`certfile`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-certfile){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-certfile } | `String.t` | | The path to a file containing the SSL certificate to use for this listener. | | [`keyfile`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-keyfile){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-keyfile } | `String.t` | | The path to a file containing the SSL key to use for this listener. | | [`cipher_suite`](#wayfarer-config-listeners-https-cipher_suite){: #wayfarer-config-listeners-https-cipher_suite } | `nil \| :strong \| :compatible` | | Used to define a pre-selected set of ciphers, as described by `Plug.SSL.configure/1`. | ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.Listener` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.Listeners` ## wayfarer.config.targets ### Nested DSLs * [http](#wayfarer-config-targets-http) * health_checks * check * [https](#wayfarer-config-targets-https) * health_checks * check * [plug](#wayfarer-config-targets-plug) ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`algorithm`](#wayfarer-config-targets-algorithm){: #wayfarer-config-targets-algorithm } | `:round_robin \| :sticky` | `:round_robin` | The target selection algorithm. | ## wayfarer.config.targets.http ```elixir http address, port ``` ### Nested DSLs * [health_checks](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks) * check ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`address`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-address){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-address .spark-required} | `IP.Address \| String.t` | | The address of the interface to listen on. | | [`port`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-port){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-port .spark-required} | `pos_integer` | | The TCP port on which to listen for incoming connections. | ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`name`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-name){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-name } | `nil \| String.t` | | A unique name for the target (defaults to the URI). | ## wayfarer.config.targets.http.health_checks ### Nested DSLs * [check](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check) ## wayfarer.config.targets.http.health_checks.check ```elixir check name \\ nil ``` ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`name`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-name){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-name } | `String.t \| nil` | | A unique name for the health check. | ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`method`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-method){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-method } | `:get \| :head \| :post \| :put \| :delete \| :connect \| :options \| :trace \| :patch` | `:get` | The HTTP method to use for the request. | | [`connect_timeout`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-connect_timeout){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-connect_timeout } | `pos_integer` | `5000` | Connection timeout in milliseconds | | [`response_timeout`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-response_timeout){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-response_timeout } | `pos_integer` | `500` | Response timeout in milliseconds | | [`hostname`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-hostname){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-hostname } | `nil \| String.t` | | The HTTP hostname to use when sending the request. Defaults to the IP address. | | [`interval`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-interval){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-interval } | `pos_integer` | `30000` | Interval in milliseconds | | [`threshold`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-threshold){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-threshold } | `pos_integer` | `3` | Success threshold | | [`path`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-path){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-path } | `String.t` | `"/"` | Path | | [`success_codes`](#wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-success_codes){: #wayfarer-config-targets-http-health_checks-check-success_codes } | `Range \| list(Range)` | `[200..299]` | HTTP status codes which are considered successful. | ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.HealthCheck` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.HealthChecks` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.Target` ## wayfarer.config.targets.https ```elixir https address, port ``` ### Nested DSLs * [health_checks](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks) * check ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`address`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-address){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-address .spark-required} | `IP.Address \| String.t` | | The address of the interface to listen on. | | [`port`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-port){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-port .spark-required} | `pos_integer` | | The TCP port on which to listen for incoming connections. | ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`name`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-name){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-name } | `nil \| String.t` | | A unique name for the target (defaults to the URI). | ## wayfarer.config.targets.https.health_checks ### Nested DSLs * [check](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check) ## wayfarer.config.targets.https.health_checks.check ```elixir check name \\ nil ``` ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`name`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-name){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-name } | `String.t \| nil` | | A unique name for the health check. | ### Options | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`method`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-method){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-method } | `:get \| :head \| :post \| :put \| :delete \| :connect \| :options \| :trace \| :patch` | `:get` | The HTTP method to use for the request. | | [`connect_timeout`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-connect_timeout){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-connect_timeout } | `pos_integer` | `5000` | Connection timeout in milliseconds | | [`response_timeout`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-response_timeout){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-response_timeout } | `pos_integer` | `500` | Response timeout in milliseconds | | [`hostname`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-hostname){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-hostname } | `nil \| String.t` | | The HTTP hostname to use when sending the request. Defaults to the IP address. | | [`interval`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-interval){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-interval } | `pos_integer` | `30000` | Interval in milliseconds | | [`threshold`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-threshold){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-threshold } | `pos_integer` | `3` | Success threshold | | [`path`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-path){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-path } | `String.t` | `"/"` | Path | | [`success_codes`](#wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-success_codes){: #wayfarer-config-targets-https-health_checks-check-success_codes } | `Range \| list(Range)` | `[200..299]` | HTTP status codes which are considered successful. | ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.HealthCheck` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.HealthChecks` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.Target` ## wayfarer.config.targets.plug ```elixir plug module ``` ### Arguments | Name | Type | Default | Docs | |------|------|---------|------| | [`module`](#wayfarer-config-targets-plug-module){: #wayfarer-config-targets-plug-module .spark-required} | `module` | | A plug which can handle requests. | ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.Target` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.Targets` ### Introspection Target: `Wayfarer.Dsl.Config`