Zach Daniel e52d7187d8 improvement: more additions to the resource builder, update spark
test: add a test for loading many to many relationships on code interface actions
2022-10-28 10:18:01 -05:00

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Relationships are a core component of Ash. They provide a mechanism to describe the relationships between your resources, and through those relationships you can do things like

  • Loading related data
  • Filtering on related data
  • Managing related records through changes on a single resource
  • Authorizing based on the state of related data

Loading relationships is a very common use case. There are two ways to load relationships, in the query, and on records.

On records

Given a set of records, like [user1, user2], you can load their relationships by calling your Ash Api's load function.

YourApi.load(users, :friends)

This will fetch the friends of each user, and set them in the corresponding friends key.

In the query

Loading in the query is currently pretty much the same as loading on records, but eventually data layers will be able to optimize these loads, potentially including them as joins in the main query, for example. The following will return the list of users with their friends loaded, as the above example.

|> Ash.Query.load(:friends)

More complex data loading

Multiple relationships can be loaded at once, i.e

YourApi.load(users, [:friends, :enemies])

Nested relationships can be loaded:

YourApi.load(users, friends: [:friends, :enemies])

The queries used for loading can be customized by providing a query as the value.

friends = Ash.Query.sort(User, social_score: :asc)

YourApi.load(users, friends: friends)

Nested loads will be included in the parent load.

friends = 
  |> Ash.Query.sort(social_score: :asc)
  |> Ash.Query.load(:friends)

# Will load friends and friends of those friends
YourApi.load(users, friends: friends)

See {{link:ash:guide:Managing Relationships}} for more information.

Relationships Basics

All relationships have a source and a destination, as well as a corresponding source_attribute and destination_attribute. Many to many relationships have additional fields which are discussed below. Relationships will validate at compile time that their configured attributes exist. You don't need to have a corresponding "reverse" relationship for every relationship, i.e if you have a MyApp.Tweets resource with belongs_to :user, User you aren't required to have a has_many :tweets, MyApp.Tweet. All that is required is that the attributes used by the relationship exist.

Kinds of relationships

Belongs To

belongs_to :owner, MyApp.User

A belongs_to relationship means that there is an attribute (source_attribute) on the source resource that uniquely identifies a record with a matching destination_attribute in the destination. In the example above, the source attribute would be owner_id, and if you wanted to change the owner, you'd modify the owner_id to point to a different MyApp.User

Belongs to Source Attribute

The destination_attribute defaults to :id. By default, a belongs_to relationship will define an attribute called <relationship_name>_id of type :uuid on the resource. To configure this, use options like:

  • {{link:ash:option:relationships/belongs_to/define_attribute?}} to define it yourself
  • {{link:ash:option:relationships/belongs_to/attribute_type}} to modify the default type
  • {{link:ash:option:relationships/belongs_to/attribute_writable?}} to make the source attribute private?: false, writable?: true (both are not the default)

For example:

belongs_to :owner, MyApp.User do
  attribute_type :integer
  attribute_writable? true

Or if you wanted to define the attribute yourself,

attributes do
  attribute :owner_foo, MyApp.CustomType

relationships do
  belongs_to :owner, MyApp.User do
    define_attribute? false
    source_attribute :owner_foo

See the docs for more: {{link:ash:dsl:relationships/belongs_to}}

Has One

# on MyApp.User
has_one :profile, MyApp.Profile

A has_one is similar to a belongs_to except the "reference" attribute is on the destination resource, instead of the source. In the example above, we'd expect a profile_id to be on MyApp.Profile, and that it is unique.

Has One Attribute Defaults

By default, the source_attribute is assumed to be :id, and destination_attribute defaults to <snake_cased_last_part_of_module_name>_id. In the above example, it would default destination_attribute to user_id.

See the docs for more: {{link:ash:dsl:relationships/has_one}}

Has Many

# on MyApp.Post
has_many :comments, Comment

A has_many relationship is similar to a has_one in that the reference attribute is on the destination resource. The only difference between this and has_one is that it does not expect the destination attribute is unique on the destination, and therefore will produce a list of related items.

Has Many Attribute Defaults

By default, the source_attribute is assumed to be :id, and destination_attribute defaults to <snake_cased_last_part_of_module_name>_id. In the above example, it would default destination_attribute to post_id.

See the docs for more: {{link:ash:dsl:relationships/has_many}}

Many To Many Relationships

Lets say that individual todo items in our app can be added to multiple lists, and every list has multiple todo items. This is a great case for many_to_many relationships.

For example, we could define the following many_to_many relationship:

# on MyApp.TodoList
many_to_many :todo_items, MyApp.TodoItem do
  through MyApp.TodoListItem
  source_attribute_on_join_resource :list_id
  destination_attribute_on_join_resource :item_id

And then we could define the "join resource" to connect everything: MyApp.TodoListItem

defmodule MyApp.TodoListItem do
  use Ash.Resource,
    data_layer: your_data_layer

  attributes do
    uuid_primary_key :id

  relationships do
    belongs_to :todo_list, MyApp.TodoList do
      allow_nil? false

    belongs_to :item, MyApp.TodoItem do
      allow_nil? false

Now that we have a resource with the proper attributes, Ash will use this automatically under the hood when performing the relationship operations detailed above, like filtering and loading.

See the docs for more: {{link:ash:dsl:relationships/many_to_many}}