
4 KiB

Optimistic Locking

Mix.install([{:ash, "~> 3.0.0-rc"}], consolidate_protocols: false)
# Set to `:debug` if you want to see ETS logs
Logger.configure(level: :warning)

Steps to add optimistic locking to an Ash.Resource

  • Add a :version attribute to your resource.
    • This will typically be an :integer
    • with a default of 1
    • and allow_nil?: false
  • If you want optimistic locking to occur for specific actions:
    • Add change optimistic_lock(:version) to those specific actions
  • If you want optimistic locking to occur for all actions:
    • Add a global changes block, if you do not have one
    • Add change optimistic_lock(:version)
  • If you want to apply optimistic locking to many but not all actions:
    • Add a global changes block, if you do not have one
    • Add change optimistic_lock(:version), where: action_is(:list, :of, :actions, ...)

Need more context?

See the documentation for Ash.Resource.Change.OptimisticLock

Define a resource with a version attribute

defmodule Address do
  use Ash.Resource,
    domain: Domain,
    data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets

  attributes do
    uuid_primary_key :id
    attribute :version, :integer, allow_nil?: false, default: 1
    attribute :state, :string, allow_nil?: false
    attribute :county, :string, allow_nil?: false

  actions do
    defaults [:read, create: [:state, :county]]

    update :update do
      accept [:state, :county]
      change optimistic_lock(:version)

  # apply to all actions
  # changes do
  #   change optimistic_lock(:version)
  # end

  # apply to a list of actions
  # changes do
  #   change optimistic_lock(:version), where: action_is([:list, :of, :actions])
  # end

defmodule Domain do
  use Ash.Domain,
    validate_config_inclusion?: false

  resources do
    resource Address do
      define(:get_address, action: :read, get_by: [:id])
      define(:create_address, action: :create, args: [:state, :county])
      define(:update_address, action: :update)
{:module, Domain, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 2, 14, ...>>,
   %{opts: [], entities: [...]},

Triggering a StaleRecord error

address = Domain.create_address!("FL", "Pinellas")
Domain.update_address!(address, %{state: "NC", county: "Guilford"})

# `address` still has a version of `1`, so our optimistic lock should catch it!
Domain.update_address(address, %{county: "Miami-Dade"})
   changeset: nil,
   query: nil,
   action_input: nil,
   errors: [
       resource: "Address",
       filter: %{"version" => 1},
       splode: Ash.Error,
       bread_crumbs: [],
       vars: [],
       path: [],
       stacktrace: #Splode.Stacktrace<>,
       class: :invalid
   splode: Ash.Error,
   bread_crumbs: [],
   vars: [],
   path: [],
   stacktrace: #Splode.Stacktrace<>,
   class: :invalid

Refetching a record to get the latest version

address = Domain.create_address!("FL", "Pinellas")
Domain.update_address!(address, %{state: "NC", county: "Guilford"})

case Domain.update_address(address, %{county: "Miami-Dade"}) do
  {:error, %Ash.Error.Invalid{errors: [%Ash.Error.Changes.StaleRecord{}]}} ->
    # In a liveview, you wouldn't just refetch and resubmit
    # you would show the user an error and have them submit the form again
    address = Domain.get_address!(
    Domain.update_address!(address, %{county: "Miami-Dade"})

  {:ok, domain} ->
  __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded>,
  id: "9f5d247e-fc44-41d1-80b4-8553c63855bb",
  version: 3,
  state: "NC",
  county: "Miami-Dade",
  aggregates: %{},
  calculations: %{},