2024-05-04 07:07:47 -04:00

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Optimistic Locking

Mix.install([{:ash, "~> 3.0.0-rc"}], consolidate_protocols: false)
Logger.configure(level: :warning)

What is optimistic locking?

Optimistic Locking is the process of only allowing an update to occur if the version of a record that you have in memory is the same as the version in the database. Otherwise, an error is returned.

Optimistic locking may used for two primary purposes:

User Experience

For example, if a user is editing a form that contains State and County fields, and they change the County, while another user has used the form to change the State, you could end up with a mismatch between State and County.

With optimistic locking, the user will instead get an error message that the record has been changed since they last looked.

Concurrency Safety

Optimistic locking can make actions safe to run concurrently even if they can't be performed in a single query(atomically), by returning an error if the resource in the data layer does not have the same version as the one being edited.

This tells the user that they need to reload and try again.

Want to see how it works

Modify the setup block and configure the log level to debug to see logs from the ETS data layer.

Logger.configure(level: :debug)

Define a resource with a version attribute

defmodule Address do
  use Ash.Resource,
    domain: Domain,
    data_layer: Ash.DataLayer.Ets

  attributes do
    attribute(:version, :integer, allow_nil?: false, default: 1)
    attribute(:state, :string, allow_nil?: false)
    attribute(:county, :string, allow_nil?: false)

  actions do
    defaults([:read, create: [:state, :county]])

    update :update do
      accept([:state, :county])

defmodule Domain do
  use Ash.Domain,
    validate_config_inclusion?: false

  resources do
    resource Address do
      define(:get_address, action: :read, get_by: [:id])
      define(:create_address, action: :create, args: [:state, :county])
      define(:update_address, action: :update)
{:module, Domain, <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 2, 14, ...>>,
   %{opts: [], entities: [...]},

Trigger a StaleRecord error

address = Domain.create_address!("FL", "Pinellas")
Domain.update_address!(address, %{state: "NC", county: "Guilford"})

# `address` still has a version of `1`, so our optimistic lock should catch it!
Domain.update_address(address, %{county: "Miami-Dade"})
   changeset: nil,
   query: nil,
   action_input: nil,
   errors: [
       resource: "Address",
       filter: %{"version" => 1},
       splode: Ash.Error,
       bread_crumbs: [],
       vars: [],
       path: [],
       stacktrace: #Splode.Stacktrace<>,
       class: :invalid
   splode: Ash.Error,
   bread_crumbs: [],
   vars: [],
   path: [],
   stacktrace: #Splode.Stacktrace<>,
   class: :invalid

Refetching a record to get the latest version

address = Domain.create_address!("FL", "Pinellas")
Domain.update_address!(address, %{state: "NC", county: "Guilford"})

case Domain.update_address(address, %{county: "Miami-Dade"}) do
  {:error, %Ash.Error.Invalid{errors: [%Ash.Error.Changes.StaleRecord{}]}} ->
    # In a liveview, you wouldn't jsut refetch and resubmit
    # you would show the user an error and have them submit the form again
    address = Domain.get_address!(
    Domain.update_address!(address, %{county: "Miami-Dade"})

  {:ok, domain} ->
  __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded>,
  id: "b4b1c187-6d0b-478a-a090-ec39cf58d114",
  version: 3,
  state: "NC",
  county: "Miami-Dade",
  aggregates: %{},
  calculations: %{},