2020-07-07 23:33:26 -04:00

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# Getting Started
## Creating an application
For information on creating a new Elixir application, see [this guide](
## Add Ash
Add `ash` to your dependencies in `mix.exs`. The latest version can be found by running `mix ash`.
## Create an Ash API
Create an API module. This will be your primary way to interact with your Ash resources. We recommend `lib/api.ex` for simple setups.
defmodule MyApp.Api do
use Ash.Api
resources do
Then, add `MyApp.Api` to your `application.ex`'s start function, which should look something like this:
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# Start the Ecto repository
# Start the Telemetry supervisor
# Start the PubSub system
{Phoenix.PubSub, name: MyApp.PubSub},
# Start the Endpoint (http/https)
MyApp.Api # <- Add your API here
## Create a resource
A resource is the primary entity in Ash. Your Api module ties your resources together and gives them an interface, but the vast majority if your configuration will live in a resource. In your typical setup, you might have a resource per database table. For those already familiar with ecto, a resource and an ecto schema are very similar. In fact, all resources define an ecto schema under the hood. This can be leveraged when you need to do things that are not yet implemented or fall outside of the scope of Ash. The current reccomendation for where to put your resources is in `lib/<resource_name>.ex`. Here are a few examples:
# in lib/resources/tweet.ex
defmodule MyApp.Tweet do
use Ash.Resource
attributes do
attribute :id, :uuid do
# All ash resources currently require a primary key
# Eventually, we will add good defaults and/or allow
# for a global configuration of your default primary key
primary_key? true
allow_nil? false
writable? false
default &Ecto.UUID.generate/0
attribute :body, :string do
allow_nil? false
constraints [max_length: 255]
# Alternatively, you can use the keyword list syntax
# `{:constant, <value>}` is how you set a default
# You can also set functional defaults, via passing in a zero
# argument function or an MFA
attribute :public, :boolean, allow_nil?: false, default: {:constant, false}
create_timestamp :created_at #This is set on create
update_timestamp :updated_at #This is updated on all updates
# `create_timestamp` above is just shorthand for:
attribute :created_at, :utc_datetime, writable?: false, default: &DateTime.utc_now/0
relationships do
belongs_to :user, MyApp.User
# in lib/resources/user.ex
defmodule MyApp.User do
use Ash.Resource
attributes do
attribute :email, :string, allow_nil?: false, constraints: [
match: ~r/[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}/
relationships do
has_many :tweets, MyApp.Tweet, destination_field: :user_id
## Add resources to your API
Alter your API like so:
resources do
resource MyApp.User
resource MyApp.Tweet
## Add your datalayer
Choose a datalayer, and see its documentation for configuring it:
- `Ash.DataLayer.Ets` - an [ets]( datalayer only recommended for testing
- `Ash.DataLayer.Mnesia` - an [mnesia]( datalayer, not optimized, but is backed by a file and works with distributed applications
- `AshPostgres.DataLayer` - a Postgres datalayer, currently the primary supported data layer
To add a datalayer, add it to the `use Ash.Resource` statement:
use Ash.Resource,
data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer
## Add actions to enable functionality
Currently, actions do not offer any customization, but eventually they will be the primary driver for adding specific interactions to your resource. For now, to enable all of them, add the following to your resource:
actions do
create :default
read :default
update :default
destroy :default
## Add front end extensions
- `AshJsonApi` - can be used to build a spec compliant JSON:API
## See Ash documentation for the rest
- `Ash.Api` for what you can do with your resources.
- `Ash.Query` for the kinds of queries you can make.
- `Ash.Dsl` for the resource DSL documentation.
- `Ash.Api.Dsl` for the API DSL documentation.