Riccardo Binetti 513c1ac68f
improvement!: port AshGraphql to Ash 3.0 (#123)
Step 1: update Ash

Step 2: mass rename Api to Domain

Step 3: Ash.Query.expr -> Ash.Expr.expr

Also change ref interpolation

Step 4: remove all warnings

Step 5: remove registries from tests

Step 6: fix filter

Step 7: private? -> !public?

Step 8: Ash.Calculation -> Ash.Resource.Calculation

Step 9: use depend_on_resources/1 -> resources/1

Step 10: add Domain to all resources

Step 11: use Ash module for all actions

Step 12: add public? true all around

Step 13: remove verbose? from options passed during Domain calls

Step 14: add simple_sat

Step 15: Ash.ErrorKind is no more, so remove code from errors

Step 16: sprinkle default_accept :* around tests

Step 17: replace with Ash.Changeset.for_*

Step 18: calculation fixups

- Context is now a struct and arguments go under the arguments key
- Function based calculations receive a list of records
- Add a select to query-based loads
- select -> load

Step 19: pass the correct name to pass the policy in tests

Step 20: is no more

Step 21: add AshGraphql.Resource.embedded? utility function

Use that instead of Ash.Type.embedded_type?(resource_or_type) since resources
are not types anymore

Step 22: handle struct + instance_of: Resource in unions

Resources are not type anymore so they need to be passed this way in unions

Step 23: ensure we only check GraphQL actions for pagination

All reads are now paginated by default, so this triggered a compilation error

Step 24: swap arguments for sort on calculations

Step 25: remove unused debug? option
2024-04-01 14:03:06 -04:00

90 lines
2.6 KiB

# Authorize with GraphQL
AshGraphql uses three special keys in the `absinthe` context:
* `:actor` - the current actor, to be used for authorization/preparations/changes
* `:tenant` - a tenant when using [multitenancy](
* `:ash_context` - a map of arbitrary context to be passed into the changeset/query. Accessible via `changeset.context` and `query.context`
By default, `authorize?` in the domain is set to true. To disable authorization for a given domain in graphql, use:
graphql do
authorize? false
If you are doing authorization, you'll need to provide an `actor`.
To set the `actor` for authorization, you'll need to add an `actor` key to the
absinthe context. Typically, you would have a plug that fetches the current user
and uses `Ash.PlugHelpers.set_actor/2` to set the actor in the `conn` (likewise
with `Ash.PlugHelpers.set_tenant/2`).
Just add `AshGraphql.Plug` somewhere _after_ that in the pipeline and the your
GraphQL APIs will have the correct authorization.
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
pipeline :api do
# ...
plug :get_actor_from_token
plug AshGraphql.Plug
scope "/" do
forward "/gql", Absinthe.Plug, schema: YourSchema
forward "/playground",
schema: YourSchema,
interface: :playground
def get_actor_from_token(conn, _opts) do
with ["" <> token] <- get_req_header(conn, "authorization"),
{:ok, user, _claims} <- MyApp.Guardian.resource_from_token(token) do
|> set_actor(user)
_ -> conn
## Policy Breakdowns
By default, unauthorized requests simply return `forbidden` in the message. If you prefer to show policy breakdowns in your GraphQL errors, you can set the config option:
config :ash_graphql, :policies, show_policy_breakdowns?: true
"data": {
"attendanceRecords": null
"errors": [
"code": "forbidden",
"fields": [],
"locations": [
"column": 3,
"line": 2
"message": "\n\n\n\n\nPolicy Breakdown\n Policy | ⛔:\n forbid unless: actor is active | ✓ | ⬇ \n authorize if: actor is Executive | ✘ | ⬇",
"path": [
"short_message": "forbidden",
"vars": {}
Be careful, as this can be an attack vector in some systems (i.e "here is exactly what you need to make true to do what you want to do").