2024-05-05 11:44:06 -04:00

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Getting Started With AshMoney

Bring in the ash_money dependency

def deps()
    {:ash_money, "~> 0.1.6-rc.2"}


The primary thing that AshMoney provides is AshMoney.Types.Money. This is backed by ex_money. You can use it out of the box like so:

attribute :balance, AshMoney.Types.Money

Add to known types

To support money operations in runtime expressions, which use Ash's operator overloading feature, we have to tell Ash about the Ash.Type.Money using the known_type configuration.

config :ash, :known_types, [AshMoney.Types.Money]

Referencing with :money

You can add it to your compile time list of types for easier reference:

config :ash, :custom_types, money: AshMoney.Types.Money

Then compile ash again, mix deps.compile ash --force, and refer to it like so:

attribute :balance, :money

AshPostgres Support

Add the :ex_money_sql dependency to your mix.exs file.

Thanks to ex_money_sql, there are excellent tools for lowering support for money into your postgres database. This allows for things like aggregates that sum amounts, and referencing money in expressions:

sum :sum_of_usd_balances, :accounts, :balance do
  filter expr(
    fragment("(?).currency_code", balance) == "USD"

To install it, add AshMoney.AshPostgresExtension to your list of installed_extensions in your repo, and generate migrations.

defmodule YourRepo do
  def installed_extensions do
    [..., AshMoney.AshPostgresExtension]

AshGraphql Support

Add the following to your schema file:

  object :money do
    field(:amount, non_null(:decimal))
    field(:currency, non_null(:string))


Support for using built in operators with data layers that don't support it. For example, expr(money + money) will work in AshPostgres, but not when using Ash.DataLayer.Ets. We need to make built in functions extensible by type to make this work.