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# Kinemat
Kinemat is the beginnings of a library for solving forward and reverse
kinematics of robotic systems and graphical simulations.
## Installation
As this package currently doesn't do what it says on the tin, I've not
published a version to [hex]( yet. Maybe when it looks
more complete.
For now, you can install it as a Git dependency:
def deps do
[{:kinemat, "~> 0.1.0"}]
## Usage
### Representing angles regardless of unit
Since Angles are probably something you want to use we use the
[angle]( package to store and convert between
different types of angles.
Most usefully you can use the `~a` sigil to create angles in different units.
See the [angle docs]( for more
### Representing spacial coordinates
Kinemat uses the `Point` protocol to handle manipulations of spacial
coordinates. The protocol is implemented by `Cartesian`, `Cylindrical` and
iex> use Kinemat
...> use Kinemat.Coordinates
...> Cartesian.init(3,4,5)
...> |> Point.to_cylindrical()
#Kinemat.Point<[azimuth: #Angle<0.9272952180016122>,
radial: 5.0,
vertical: 5]>
### Representing spacial orientations
Kinemat uses the `Orientation` module to allow manipulations and conversions
between the three primary orientation modules; `Euler`, `RotationMatrix` and
Note that not all `Euler` orders are supported, but only so-called "Tait-Bryan"
iex> use Kinemat
...> use Kinemat.Orientations
...> Euler.init(:xyz, ~a(10)d, ~a(20)d, ~a(30)d)
...> |> Orientation.to_quaternion()
type: :quaternion,
w: #Angle<0.943714364147489>,
x: 0.12767944069578063,
y: 0.14487812541736914,
z: 0.2685358227515692
### Representing frames of reference
Kinemat can build a `Frame` given the combination of an `Orientation` and a `Point`;
iex> use Kinemat
...> point = Kinemat.Coordinates.Cylindrical.init(10, ~a(20)d, 30)
...> orientation = Kinemat.Orientations.Euler.init(:xyz, ~a(10)d, ~a(20)d, ~a(30)d)
...> frame = Frame.init(point, orientation)
orientation: #Kinemat.Orientation<[
euler: :xyz,
x: #Angle<10°>,
y: #Angle<20°>,
z: #Angle<30°>
point: #Kinemat.Point<[azimuth: #Angle<20°>, radial: 10, vertical: 30]>
And frames can be converted to homogeneous transformations
...> Kinemat.HomogeneousTransformation.to_homogeneous_transformation(frame)
{ 0.8137976813493738, 0.5438381424823255, -0.20487412870286215, 9.396926207859085,
-0.46984631039295416, 0.823172944645501, 0.3187957775971678, 3.420201433256687,
0.3420201433256687, -0.16317591116653482, 0.9254165783983234, 30,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}
### Representing joints
Kinemat can build `Revolute`, `Cylindrical` and `Prismatic` joints starting
with a frame and extra information based on the kind of joint in use.
iex> use Kinemat
...> use Kinemat.Joints
...> Revolute.init(, limits: {~a(-10)d, ~a(10)d})
frame: #Kinemat.Frame<[
orientation: #Kinemat.Orientation<[
euler: :xyz,
x: #Angle<0>,
y: #Angle<0>,
z: #Angle<0>
point: #Kinemat.Point<[x: 0, y: 0, z: 0]>
limits: {#Angle<-10°>, #Angle<10°>},
position: #Angle<-10°>
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](
## License
This software is licensed under the terms of the
[HL3-FULL](, see the `` file included with
this package for the terms.
This license actively proscribes this software being used by and for some
industries, countries and activities. If your usage of this software doesn't
comply with the terms of this license, then [contact me](
with the details of your use-case to organise the purchase of a license - the
cost of which may include a donation to a suitable charity or NGO.